Age: 15 weeks
Breed: Cocker Spaniel
Donation: £400
Background –
Mario came to us when his family were not able to look after him long term. As Mario is so young, we have completed his assessment quickly to ensure he can get settled in his permanent home as soon as possible.
Character –
Mario is a very happy, lively and energetic puppy who loves people and is happy around other dogs of all sizes. He’s a little rascal and certainly keeps you on your toes! It’s just easy to fall in love with him, especially when he snuggles up in bed at night time.
Type of home –
We are looking for an energetic and outdoorsy home with a family who can commit time to Mario’s training, which must include attending puppy classes. Puppies are wonderful, but hard work and we need his new family to be 100% committed to supporting his development. Mario is happy around dogs of all sizes and has responded well to being ‘told off’ by the other dogs when he annoys them with his puppy wrestling, so we think he’d be very happy living with other dogs. Mario really seems to like children and would be happy living with little ones too, as long as they are confident around a boisterous pup.
Health –
Mario is a little scrawny but we think that now he is on a good food (and his wormer has kicked in), he’ll be just fine. We are hoping that Mario will be signed off by our vet later this week.
Adopting –
Mario is in foster care in South Gloucestershire and applicants would need to come and meet him here. We are keen for Mario to move onto his adoptive home as soon as he has been signed off by our vets, as we don’t want him to get too settled in foster care, so please only apply if you are able to move swiftly through the process.