Breed: Sharpei x Rottweiler
DOB: 03/09/2015
Reggie is a 9 year old, Sharpei x Rottweiler. When he first arrived he was definitely one of the most mentally damaged dogs that we have ever taken in but also, one of the most intelligent. There is a direct correlation always – the more intelligent a dog, the more they suffer when they are in the wrong hands. Not being understood or listened to causes them huge distress and confusion. Then fear which can so often escalate to fear aggression. What on earth happened to Reggie, we will never fully know.
He would completely freak out, shake and snarl if he saw a lead in a hand approach him. So, he was left in his kennel for three weeks. He tolerated the girls going in regularly to clean him, feed and water him, etc. Then one morning, we could read from his eyes and body language that he trusted us enough to be brave enough to come out! This is the absolute best part of rescue work. We had nothing in my hand or pockets and just quietly let him out. Reggie flew out, wagging his tail, did the biggest wee and then happily ran around the safe yard happily. By the afternoon, Reggie’s day had gotten better and better! He’s loved being out and about, mooching around the yard exploring! So relieved he’s finally relaxing and starting to trust us. We will not let him down by pushing him too far or not listening to him. He’s very readable via his body language and his super communicative, beautiful eyes.