
Available, Available Now
About This Project


Age: 2 years

Breed: Bulldog cross (possibly staffie)

Donation: £300

  • Adult only home
  • Best as an only dog
  • Not cat tested


Roger was adopted back in January when he was a year old – he had happily lived in foster care for almost 4 months prior to this but was sadly returned to us.


Roger is a friendly and happy boy – he’s been pretty perfect since he arrived back with us and has responded positively to the many volunteers, visitors and helpers at the kennels. He has recently moved back into a foster home and has settled well there – he especially loves affection from his people.

Roger loves to play and race around but also loves to snuggle on the sofa, wrapped around your legs in true staffie style.

Type of home

Roger would be best placed with a physically active and able person or couple, ideally folks who like a good walk and have a nice garden for him to play freely in! Although he has always been super friendly, we will only consider an Adult-only home for Roger.

Roger will need a home as an only dog.


Roger weighs around 24kg and unfortunately has Hip Dysplasia which he has pain relief for . Roger does not meet the criteria to be an XL Bully (this has already been looked into as a precaution)


Roger is currently in foster care in Somerset and potential adoptors will need to come and meet him here.