
About This Project


Breed: Lurcher (17kg)

Age: 1 year 

Donation: £350


  • Would be best placed with other dogs
  • Cannot live with cats
  • Can live with children


Background – Talullah arrived with us as a stray and so we don’t know anything about her background, but we suspect it could be sad as she is a nervous little soul.

Character – Talullah is a sensitive but sweet soul and just needs some reassurance. Talullah is friendly but shy, but will likely be a loyal companion once she understands humans can be kind – she just needs some patience.

With other dogs – Talullah really likes to say hello to other dogs would benefit from a calm canine companion to show her the ropes. She really takes a huge amount of comfort and guidance from her Lurcher brother Ozzy (adopted from us last year).

Type of home – Talullah is a medium-high energy dog and will need a pretty active home with people who are happy to work on building her confidence and blossoming into a happy dog.

Adoption – Talullah is in foster care in Bristol s and applicants will need to come and meet her here.