
About This Project


Breed: Collie (11kg)

Age: 18 months 

Donation: £350

  • Best as an only dog
  • Cannot live with cats or small furries
  • Could live with older children 14+
  • Needs an experienced home
  • Needs a rural home


About Meg 

Meg is a lively and inquisitive little soul who is eager to learn.  Once she gets to know you she is a very affectionate dog who loves a cuddle or tummy tickle. However, she can be highly strung and quite anxious. Her foster carer works hard on a daily basis to keep her on a calm level and she has improved enormously over the time she’s been there. Her favourite game is throwing toys downstairs then galloping down to retrieve them, to dash back upstairs and start again.

In the house

Meg is crate trained and will sleep through the night in her crate. If her foster carer goes out she will also stay in her crate quite happily, if she was loose in the house she may be very anxious. Her house training is coming along reasonably well although you need to be on the ball when she’s asking to go out! Once she’s outside she can take several minutes to be confident enough to go. Megs foster carer has been working to introduce her to a large number of people within the house and she has begun to gain confidence greeting people indoors.

Outside of the house

She is overwhelmed by everything – she seems to have no experience of the outside world. Her walks are very short and very much depend on what is happening in the environment. For instance high winds get her very agitated. Seeing people outside is still a bit too much. She walks nicely on a harness and her recall is progressing well when on a long line.

Type of home

A collie savvy home in a rural environment would suite Meg best. Shes currently livining in an urban area and has found it very overstimulating. Meg needs a home that will work on her socialisation and training once she’s settled in and ready. She needs a lot of ongoing training to help her cope with the world around her. Meg would b e best as an only dog and cannot live with cats or small furries.